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Monday, July 11, 2005

Does anyone with a brain live in San Francisco?


I am sick of this line:

"Wiping away tears, Sheehan said that the recruiter who persuaded her son to join the Army four years earlier promised Casey he would never see combat and reneged on most of the signing bonus he was guaranteed."

I call Bull. A bonus is written in a contract. That contract will either say you get a bonus or you don't. It also has a block that is WELL explained which verifies that the contract is full and correct, that all verbal promises are written in the contract. If you initial that block, then you are saying that the contract is correct. The recruiter does not guarantee you anything. MEPS and the processors who write up your contract guarantees you things set out by the Dept of (insert branch). If the contract is in error, you have the option of getting out of your contract, accepting the error and continuing in the service, or trying to force the branch to obligate themselves to the contract.

I have never seen or heard of anyone getting screwed out of a deal with the military. If you only get 50% of your bonus up front and the rest over x number of years, then that is the deal. That is what you signed up for. IF you do not obligate to your end of the contract, you do not get the rest of your money. Period. You have to do the time to get paid. Simple as that. I smell a rat in her story.

There are so many other things in this story that I could pick apart, but I am tired tonight. It is all the same counter recruitment crap that is trying to get a foothold. My guess is that it will stop at the end of the summer.

I am going to do my best over the summer to piss off each and every activist parent on my list of schools. I urge each and every recruiter out here with me to get on your cold call lists and hit them up. Lets get to 100% contact of your senior market before school starts.

Militantpundit posted @ 9:52 PM

Anyone joining the Army dumb enough to believe that there was no chance of seeing combat couldn't possible pass the ASVAB test. A more likely scenario is he made that up to calm down Mommy.

Posted by Blogger LargeBill @ 12:46 PM, August 03, 2005  

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