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Tuesday, March 08, 2005

What kind of crap is this?

My goodness. What a day. I had to wake up at 5:00am to make it to Ft. Sheridan for a board. The militantwife (She wants to be called pinkcactus from now on) sends me a e-mail. Here is what is linked inside the e-mail.

I have been boiling since I read it. It is not bad enough that I have to work my arse off to get people to come into my office, talk to me and join. Now I have to deal with these moonbats.

As it states in the article. These guys come up to people who are joining the military and try to convince them that the military cannot help them attain their goals. Here is my problem with this "goal attainment" theory. Most of these guys are ex-military. They had the opportunities that they are now trying to keep from these kids. I am going to debunk the myths now:

For one thing, Murphy helped convince him that he could go to college to pursue his interest in criminal justice, and that there was no guarantee he'd get his request for assignment to military police. For another, he's worried about combat in Iraq.

Murphy, is a counter-recruiter. Him is a guy how enlisted in the marines while in high school and has to wait until he gets out of school to go to boot camp. First, the Marines, Navy and Army guarantee, in contract, what job you have, bonuses you receive, when you are leaving, and any other special schools you will have. The only one that you are your job first and a soldier/sailor second is the Navy. It is even in how they call each other... job rating first...then 1 or 2, signifying them being first class or second class petty officers. With the Army and Marines, you will get sergeant something or another. The only branch that does not guarantee your job in writing is the Air Force. They give you a top 3 choice, and the needs of the Air Force (at Boot Camp) dictate what job you will have. So 3 of the 4 branches guarantee you will be in the "Military Police", by your job.

Everyone is worried about combat in Iraq. Unless you are joining the Navy. They seem to be the only branch that is not taking the casualties than the other branches are. The Air Force is even taking casualties.

Back in early 2004, the Moonbat Lib that suggested the draft, Senator Hollings tried to say that it was just the poor who join the military under the guise of getting college paid for. The Montgomery GI Bill pays out $36,072, this year. It goes up each year. It is paid out in 36 monthly installments. In Illinois, the Illinois Veteran's Grant will give you 4 years tuition and books. Tell me that is not a good deal for kids. It is not just poor kids. I guess they are not talking about Illinois rich though. They are talking abut old money New England rich.

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