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Thursday, March 24, 2005

Da Chief

I spent a couple of months with a "Native Activist" (his words not mine). He made one statement that made me decide that this is a "partisan" thing. Not republican or democrat, but some other internal parties to the native community that I, admittedly, know little about. He said that "some want the chief gone. Those are the guys that find it racist and find every other thing racist." Kind of like the "Jesse Jackson's" of the world who would accuse a rock of being racist. The other side does not care to make a big deal out of it. Why? Who knows.

So what does that mean? That we, "the white society" (his words again) do not want to be called racist because of the political (correctness) ramifications. I wish that we could get up enough convictions of our own to not cower to the most vocal of people.

Why are we so up in arms about the Chief? Who is it that is complaining about the Chief exactly? Lets bring in the natives and have them file their complaints.

What do I see? I see that the Chief is in Champaign, along with the University obviously. What else comes on universities? Dumb ass guys who have nothing better to do that to take up causes that they only care about because of two reasons. 1. The girl with the nice boobs and the great ass is going to the protest. Lets follow her and get involved. Maybe she will see us and talk to us. 2. The Studies professor is yapping about the protest and they think that if they are seen then there the grade will be easier. Now the girls that are involved usually care a little about something they are protesting about. Then they get emotionally involved, and congrats you have a lib.

Why is someone offended by the Chief? The basic premise is that he is in a dress that Natives would not be in. In all actuality, a PowWow is (my activist buddy told me this. If you know different, let me know) just a money making scheme that tribes developed back long ago when the white expansion moved into the native land. The "official" dances that were conducted for the spiritual side of the native religion were done in private and shared only with the tribe. So, what that comment said to me was that the image that today's natives have now is made up by their ancestors. If they are offended by the image that was portrayed by their ancestors, then take it up with their ancestors and not take it out on a small number of schools and teams that uses their symbols as a sign of unity and honor.

What do you think?

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